''Aikatsu!'' is an ongoing television anime series created and produced by Sunrise (and later by its spin-off studio, BN Pictures) based on a card arcade game by Bandai. The series revolves around Ichigo Hoshimiya, an aspiring idol who enrolls into Starlight Academy and partakes in auditions using special Aikatsu cards. The series began airing on TV Tokyo from October 8, 2012. In Indonesia, Broadcast by RCTI, Every Saturday at 05:30 am. The opening theme for episode 1-25 is "Signalize!" by Waka, Fūri, Sunao and Risuko while the ending theme is by Waka, Fūri and Sunao. For episodes 26-50, the opening theme is by Waka, Fūri and Sunao while the ending is by Waka, Fūri, Sunao, Remi, Moe, Eri, Yuna, and Risuko. The ending theme for episode 44 is by Rey. For episodes 51-75, the opening theme is "KIRA☆Power" by Waka, Fūri and Sunao while the ending theme is by Waka, Fūri, Sunao, Remi, Moe, Eri, Yuna, and Risuko. For episodes 76-101, the opening theme is "SHINING LINE *" by Waka, Fūri, and Yuna, whilst the ending theme is "Precious" by Risuko, Waka, Fūri, and Mona. For episodes 102-126, the opening and ending themes respectively are "Du-Du-Wa DO IT!!" by Ruka, Mona, Miki, and Waka and "Good morning my dream" by Ruka, Mona, and Miki. For episodes 127-152, the opening and ending themes respectively are "Lovely Party Collection" by Ruka, Mona, and Miki and by Mona, Ruka, and Miki. From episode 153 onwards, the opening and ending themes respectively are "START DASH SENSATION" and "lucky train!", both by Ruka, Mona, and Miki. The series began release on DVD by Bandai Visual subsidiary Happinet from March 2, 2013, with initial releases of each volume containing bonus cards that can be used with Data Carddass machines.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=DVD「アイカツ!1」発売! - グッズ )〕 Beginning with the second season on March 4, 2014, the series is also being released on Blu-ray Disc.〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Twitter / Ryuichi_Kimura: 解禁になったみたいなので2期目から アイカツ!ブルーレイも出... )〕〔(【引用サイトリンク】title=Twitter / aikatsu_anime: 明日のアイカツ!で流れるDVD&ブルーレイのCMは、実は二回... )〕 ==Episode list== 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「List of Aikatsu! episodes」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク